The recent devastation and tragedy in Japan has hit home hard.
My dear husband's family resides in Sendai and a small village just south of Sendai. He has four aunts and a brood of cousins who are all there and have been affected somehow by the earthquake and tsunami. Luckily everyone is okay, but a scary time for sure.
Watching the events unfold on tv has been emotionally exhausting. One clip showed the hospital where one of his cousins works as a nurse become engulfed by raging waters.
These days I find myself giving longer hugs and more I love you's to my dear ones. I also find myself incredibly grateful as I sit on my cozy couch in front of a warm fire with a cookie and tea. I think of those huddled in a emergency shelter praying that their loved ones are okay. I feel sad and guilty and want to do more to help!
Below are a few links on organizations providing aid to Japan in this time of need.
Please take the time to help somehow, even if it is only $1... or helping organize a fundraiser...it all helps.
Canadian Red Cross
The Salvation Army
Save the Children
Global Giving
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