We are moving in a few weeks to a new bigger place in the country. Really, my ideal place to raise my kids. I am so happy about the decision and I actually might have a chance to make my dreams of organizational bliss come true.
The first step in great organizing is organizing your organizing. I have been scouring Etsy, ohdeedoh, the Container Store and the Ikea website for ideas. The two main areas I would like to start in is the kitchen and kid's play area (yay! We will have a play area in the new house!!!).
Here are a couple of gems that I have come across and would like to share with you!
- A good start to organizational bliss would be these beautiful and practical chalkboard labels. I love that you can use them over and over...less waste is always a good thing! I found them on Etsy at Bradensgracewallarts shop
- These tote bags would look great in my new playroom...er, I mean the kid's playroom. Again found on Etsy at a local shop called uhreusable.
- I already own one of these and I think I need another. One for each kid, right? They are a great alternative to a "kiddie" toy shelf...one that mommy actually likes! Thanks Ikea for the Expedit shelf!
- I want to fill my pantry with nice containers...and then label them all with those chalkboard labels....lol. I found some nice ones at the Container Store...they thankfully now ship to Canada! I like that they are glass, airtight and square/stackable.
Another great idea I am borrowing is the forward facing bookshelf. I have plans to line these up under the window for a kid level library in the playroom. I found this idea on ohdeedoh. I especially like the fact that they are pre-made from Ikea!!

Can you picture it! I can! Oh the joys of uber organization.
Hopefully the organizational dream will become a reality with the help of these items! I will keep you posted!